Neighbourly Matters and Other Services

Condition Surveys:

A schedule of condition records in text and photographs the condition of a neighbour’s property before the works start. This helps to avoid disputes and provides protection to both parties if damage occurs during the works.

Access Agreements:

An Access Agreement, also known as an Access Licence, applies when one Owner plans construction works to their property, and would like to gain access onto an Adjoining Owner’s property in order to carry out the work. Access can be general access, access for scaffolding or for a crane to oversail.

Unless it is possible to claim a right of access under the Party Wall etc, Act 1996 or the Access to Neighbouring Land Act, it is usual that the Owner undertaking the construction work, has no legal right of access onto the Adjoining Owner’s land, and any access granted, by an Adjoining Owner, is subject to the whim, and agreement of that Owner.

Should the Adjoining Owner not want to provide access, they do not need to give any form of reason.

If the Adjoining Owner is agreeable to a request for access, they will usually want a legal document or contract put in place. An Access Licence will ensure that the access issues are considered by a Surveyor.

It is critical to review planned building designs as early as possible so that any access issues can be flagged up promptly, discussions held with neighbours and plans revised as necessary in order to avoid late redesign work, delays and increased costs.

Please contact us to discuss your project

Structural and Civil Engineering Consultants:

For structural surveys and advice please see our friends at Andrew Firebrace Partnership.